Monday, July 29, 2024

Biden's Plan

 I screenshot this from Fox News this morning.  It seems that ol' Joe has a plan for everything now that he's a lame duck.

Good luck with that.  The first two, at least, will require a constitutional amendment.

What I've head of his SCOTUS term plan is that each justice will be limited to an eighteen-year term, staggered every two years.  So, each president will appoint two justices during a four-year term. With, of course, the advise and consent of the Senate.

It's a plan.  We'll see how far it gets down the road.


Anonymous said...

Yannow that meme where the old grandpa from The Simpson's is shaking his fist at the moon, or something...? That's what we're seeing here.
Besides being a totally lame duck w/no political pull or power anymore, the supreme court changes require amending The Constitution, which ain't gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that proposing Supreme Court justices have a limited time on the bench while continuing House and Senate members have unlimited number of years in Congress. Congress is who writes the laws - the Supreme Court judges if those laws made are legal or not.

I think the people who are telling Joe Biden (I don't believe for one second Biden still has the brains to write this on his own) to propose this want drastic changes to our life as quickly as possible. Bait and Switch. The laws of the land have been in place for over 200 years.

Anonymous said...

We need a raw meat full originalist Supreme Court. Dump the dyke, dump the nitwit wide Latina. Dump the DEI hire. Make Barrett an offer she can’t refuse.