Saturday, July 13, 2024


 I'm watching the news about the Trump shooting.

Political violence is never the answer.  The shooter is to be condemned in the strongest terms.  We don't know who he is at this point.

CBS is calling this a "strategic failure" of the security detail.  I'm not going to blame the security detail.  There may have been a failure, but I know how these things happen.  This is the shooter's fault.  I understand that the shooter is dead, but we don't yet know who he was, which tells me that he wasn't a Republican.

Now is not the time for retribution.  We'll take that in the ballot box.  I'm just now hearing that the shooter was 200-300 yards away, using an AR style rifle.  We'll learn more later.

What strikes me as odd, CBS is not referring to the AR style rifle as a "high powered" cartridge.

Here is waht I'm listening to right now.

As we learn more, I'll have more.  I'd really like to learn how they reveal the identity and background of the shooter.

We'll learn more tomorrow.


Navy91 said...

Absolutely, revenge at the ballot box! But I must say, if people on the left suddenly find themselves under serious threat or attack, I'm not going to cry about it. They've been asking for it for years.

BobF said...

Did you see the earliest (I think) report that it was a "22 long rifle"? Thought to myself either somebody is typically media ignorant or, . . .

My Internet was out so I was limited to over the air broadcasts; jumped from one channel to another and was amazed at how little sense the networks made and how CBS in particular was spinning BS.