Monday, June 17, 2024

Three Felonies A Day

 Back in 2011, Howard  Silverglate published a book that details how, in our current regulatory climate, the average man commits three felonies per day.  It's an interesting work, and details how easy it is for the Feds to find a crime once they have found a person to target.

Now, Fox News is reporting that "experts" say that the Trump trial in Manhattan set a dangerous precedent for future prosecutors who may want to jail ex-Presidents.

No kidding.  When prosecutors pick a target and go looking for a crime, our justice system is in real trouble.


Old NFO said...

That it is... ANY of us are just one mad DA away from a trial for 'something'...

Anonymous said...

"experts" and lots of others have been saying this for years now.
The surprising thing to me is that they had to change the law to do it; I assumed they'd find some obscure law he broke.
I'm disappointed that no Republicans have used this against Democrats yet...

Anonymous said...

Have any democratic presidents cheated on their pregnant wife with a pornstar then used money from their business to bribe her to be quiet about it?