Thursday, May 02, 2024

Rainy Thursday

 It's raining on the back porch, and looking at the weather radar, it looks like we'll be in the rain for most of the day.

On an earlier post, a commenter noted:

Historically speaking when cops try to arrest a determined bad guy with a rifle it often goes very badly for them.

That is a fact, and I can tell you stories from my own career about arrests that went horribly wrong.  We don't yet know the details, and we may never know, but you can be assured that the investigators are still poring over the data. 

Historically, the two main examples of this phenomenon are Ruby Ridge and Waco, but other less well known example abound.  Those could have been handled much easier, with no loss of life, but the cops fixated on a plan that was flawed.

For example, in Waco, the FBI knew that Koresh started each morning with a jog down the road.  He went running.  What better place to serve the warrant than on his morning run?  He's alone, easy to scoop up.

When I was running my team, back in the late 80s, I stressed to each team member that if they saw a flaw in the plan, to speak up.  Everyone had the right to critique a plan before we put it into action. And there were no SOPs.  

The commenter is right.  A determined man with a plan and a rifle is going to cause havoc. 


juvat said...

Pardon my ignorance, but what went wrong with the Koresh arrest plan on his jog?

Pawpaw said...

There was no plan to arrest Koresh while he was out jogging. On his jog, he was alone and vulnerable. They knew that he regularly jogged, but opted instead to arrest him at his compound. This decision led to a long standoff and the deaths of many people.

Walter Cromer said...

There were no accidents, those 2 events went exactly as the powers that be wanted.

Anonymous said...

I noted that the officers involved were from at least 3 departments based on the injury information.
To me, this sounds like a recipe for disaster. I would not be surprised to hear they had no common training, a clear chain of command or even common radio channels.
There is a place for joint operations and task forces, but a situation like this isn't it.

Anonymous said...

Agree with the previous comments... Exactly as planned.
And our host's last sentence is what's causing all the vapors lately. They know and understand that they are quickly approaching that point.