Friday, January 26, 2024

Don't Mess With Texas

 It seems that Joe Biden is having a little tete-a-tete with Texas governor Abbott.  Something about razor wire, who can hang it and who can cut it. The courts are involved, and the Supremes recently sent it back to the 5th Circuit for a closer look. To hear the national media play it, you would think that Biden won, and Abbott lost.  Biden, of course, is the big loser. Not just in this scenario, but in all scenarios.

The only folks I feel sorry for are the Texas Guard soldiers who are on the border. The Guard, for most soldiers is supposed to be a weekend gig.  I know what a pain  in the ass it is to get mobilized.  I have been mobilized in the past, and while I always did the duty, it was a pain in the ass, causing stress on the family.  


John Galt said...

In Texas they have some " volunteer" National Guard that been active for several years now. I personally know of a young man who is/last I knew was single who was activated at least 3 years ago. First it was help with Covid shots ( keeping people in line and organized for shots). Some time with morg-graves registration, time on the border, driving a truck on and on. The first year they kept him around and then kept finding ways to kind of force-coerce into staying around for assignments and as he was young-naieve and single...he went along. After about 9-12 months he decided he kind of liked it and started volunteering for real to stay active National Guard.

As to the latest with barbed wire...sounds almost like 1860 or at least like 1855. Something like 25 states have vowed to send money or troops to support Texas at the Border. If the US Govt wont protect our border Texas will at least protect itself.

Old NFO said...

This one is going to get interesting...

Termite said...

Here is the text of SCOTUS's decision

The application to vacate injunction presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is granted. The December 19, 2023 order of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, case No. 23-50869, is vacated.
Justice Thomas, Justice Alito, Justice Gorsuch, and Justice Kavanaugh would deny the application to vacate injunction.

SCOTUS simply removed the 5th Circuit Court's injunction against the DOJ's removing the wire. Abbott doesn't have to do anything.

Termite said...

It's starting to get interesting.