Thursday, October 12, 2023


In 2006 I built a bath house, a restroom and changing area for the pool.  I had done what my Dad called "peckerwood carpentry" all my life, and I built this bath house from framing the form to putting on the shingles.   

That was in 2006.  Earlier this summer, Belle noticed that the roof needed attention, so I asked a friend from church, a master carpenter, who he would recommend to put on a metal roof.  He said he would do it, so I gave him the bid.  He came over today to do the work.

He brought his crews, and he was on the roof, and he asked me, "Who built this building?"

"I did, Myself.  With a hammer.  Why?"

"It's perfectly square" he said.  "You don't see that much these days."

I'll take that as a compliment.  Now, all my buildings have metal roofs, and I'd done with shingles.


Old NFO said...

Well done, sir! Attention to detail pays off!

Termite said...

a2 + b2 = c2

That's how you do it.

Anonymous said...

That's a sad comment on modern workmanship and quality, unfortunately I'm not surprised to hear it...