Thursday, February 09, 2023

Nord Stream 2

 Did Joe Biden order the US Navy to blow up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline?  Lots of people think so.

Tucker Carlson talks about it here.

The article by investigative reporter Seymour Hersh is here.  It's a pretty good read.

The White House says it never happened.  Sure.


Judy said...

So if the white house says it didn't happen and the demonrats are know to be pathological happened, just the way everyone says it happened. And the guys who blew it up have died or are not long for this world. Which has also happened in the past, by the way.

WI Jason said...

"This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it."
-Admiral Josh Painter, The Hunt for Red October

Don McCollor said...

Almost definitely not the Rooskies. All they had to do was shut the valves on their end of the line and ignore the protests at the other end. The breaks were probably due to sabotage or "natural causes" like hydrate formation. That three separate lines failed in a short time suggests the former.

Old NFO said...

At this point, who knows... sigh

be603 said...

predictably "leaked" after lame handling of balloon. Looking like a real "Tough guy" there Joe...