Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Learn To Drive, Asshole!

 Road and Track reports that this Florida man bought a Ford GT, and crashed it shortly thereafter because he was "unfamiliar" with a standard transmission.

Both my ex and current wife can drive a standard.  Each of my sons, and my daughter can drive a standard.  We can include all my daughter-in-law.  And, several of my grandsons.  I wouldn't give a wad of snot for a fellow who bought a $150K car and couldn't drive it.


Sabre22 said...

I learned to drive on a 1948 Willy's jeep three speed standard, That came in handy while driving a M151A1 Jeep at fort Carson

Jonathan H said...

I'm surprised the dealership didn't make sure he knew how to drive a standard before closing, but he may have claimed to know how...

Anonymous said...

I hate to be “that guy”, but did you notice they are no longer called “standard” transmissions? Go to any manufacturer website, car dealer, what have you, and they are called manual transmissions. It’s a roughly $2000 option to get one on a pickup now from what I read earlier today. So, automatics are the new “standard” and manuals are quietly headed for the dust bin of history except for enthusiasts and people like my sister who refuses to drive an automatic.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that manufactures and dealers no longer refer to a stick shift as a “standard” transmission? It’s a manual. Somewhere along the way, automatics became the new standard and manuals became the $2000 option.

Anonymous said...

Ignore this second comment. I inadvertently published a second one after I though the first one disappeared.