Friday, January 28, 2022

Ferriday Police Dept Deactivated

 Ferriday, LA is a small town in east-central Louisiana, and is evidently going through some budget disruptions.  The police department has been locked by order o the State Auditor.

According to Ferriday police, they had “just received orders per the State auditors that until a budget is adopted by the Town that all town functions including Ferriday Police Department must lock it’s doors and discontinue all service calls

It sounds like all the services in Ferriday are disrupted.  Louisiana law requires that all political subdivisions have a budget and live within it.  This sounds like not so much a case of Defund The Police as a case of Defund The Whole Town.

The mayor and town council need to get busy and adopt a budget.  Or not.  Whatever.

Only in Louisiana.


Judy said...

A little town I lived in for years, in Kansas, decided they could do just fine without a mayor; after all everyone was related but us! The State stepped-in and said they would have to turn in their Articles of Incorporation if they didn't have a mayor. The guy that didn't turn up at the local saloon for coffee that morning got the job. So every four years he got re-upped for the task.
The biggest reason for keeping their Articles of Incorporation was to keep the county from running over the top of them with stupid rules and regulations.

Stuart said...

Sounds like Louisiana got one right.

BobF said...

Given that the place is VERY small, not unlike many places, I wonder if Baton Rouge is beginning a roll through the countryside and is about to wreak havoc on a long list of others.