Thursday, December 17, 2020


 In this time of Covid confusion, when the lockdowns are causing spikes in cases, and the new vaccine is rolling out, it seems that the confusion keeps snowballing.

Medical analyst Dr. Vin Gupt M ta tells us that the vaccine may not keep us from being infected.

"Just because you get vaccinated after the second dose does not mean you should be traveling. ... You could still get infected and pass it along to others."

Huh?  Even if I get the vaccine, it won't help prevent me from getting the virus, or prevent me from passing it on?   Then why should I bother getting the vaccine?  It's a legit question.

So, the AMA needs to get on board. Either this thing is safe and effective, or it's not.  

Personally, I am going to get the vaccine as soon as it is available to me.  I know others, trained, educated other folks who don't really trust the idea that a vaccine can be researched, invented, tested, and administered in a matter of months.  I understand their misgiving, but I intend to get it as soon as I can.

It's almost as if this entire exercise was not so much a medical disaster as it was an opportunity to wreck the fabric of the American nation.


eriko said...

The small number of people that both got the vaccine and tested positive all had little to no symptoms. This is better than most vaccines where people that get vaccination but for whom the vaccine is not effective get the full version of the infection.

To be clear it is normal for vaccines to not be fully effective, the flu one for instance. These seem to have both a pretty good fully effective rate and still seem to protect those for which the vaccine is not fully effective.

Judy said...

So long as you understand the risks - your body, your choice.

Old NFO said...

That is looking more and more like the goal from the git-go... And to damage Trump to the point he would be unelectable.

robert said...

With the success in many third world countries combatting covid with cheap reliable commonly used drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin the plague has been defeated except in the rich countries where it has been used as a political weapon to bring submission through fear . I have a big bottle of ivermectin on hand at all times for the critters . If I get the kungflu I'm downing 15 ml a day . In three days it will be gone . Search it . I would not take the vaccine on a bet . It's a brand new type that causes mutations in your own dna .

robert said...

Found this while nerding on some health sites today . Basically the mrna vaccine is pretty good from what the SDA church has found .
Questions and Facts About the Vaccine
Question: Does the mRNA (messenger Ribonucleic Acid) vaccine change your DNA?
FACT: Both referenced vaccines are based on mRNA, which is a first for vaccines, but the technology has been used in medical treatments for the past 15 years. The vaccine enters into a cell’s cytoplasm (the fluid within the cell), where it stimulates the production of antibodies to fight the SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein. Since it does not enter the nucleus of the host cell, it does not change the DNA or genetic structure/function.

Question: Can it be safe and effective, as it was developed so quickly?
FACT: Due to current technology, the SARS-CoV-2 virus was sequenced within days of its being identified, and work on a vaccine was started right away. The sample size for the large study is 40,000 people (the average FDA vaccine study sample size is usually only 27,000). We are two months into a two-year study. Data is being carefully monitored.

The first dose showed a 50-percent immune response protection. The second dose reached 95 percent protection! (Only Hepatitis A vaccine is higher, at just about 100 percent protection.) The study was well designed and represented U.S. demographics very closely, with the exception of Native Americans (and the ongoing study is working to rectify that). Efficacy and side effects were similar in all ethnic groups.