Thursday, September 24, 2020

RBG's Last Wish

 Evidently, Justice Ginsberg had some sort of last wish about her replacement.  Reportedly, she said, "My fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

In that case, she should have lived another four years, until 2024, or retired in 2015, while Obama was still president.  Simpy because I doubt a new president will be installed in 2017.  We'll still have Trump.

When i die, my fervent wish is that my fervent wish is that my Belle wins the Powerball and does great and wondrous deeds in my memory.  I give my final wish better odds than having Ginsberg's wish come true.  She hanged on as long as possible, hoping that a Democrat president would get to replace her.  She miscalculated, plain and simple.

That seat is not hers, it belongs to the people, and her miscalculation is no reason for the President to delay filling that seat.  Maybe this time, we'll get a true conservative.


Old NFO said...

One hopes. And that whole thing is 'questionable'...

Anonymous said...

No one dictates who will replace them when they are gone. In this case, the Constitution is pretty explicit how the process of replacing members of the Supreme Court works. The POTUS chooses the candidate and Congress votes yes or no after they grill them.

Termite said...

She made a mistake not retiring in 2014, when she was having health problems, and she was gently encourage to retire by several DNC journalists.

Harry Reed changed the Senate rules to allow a simple 51 vote majority for SCOTUS nominee confirmation, instead of the traditional 60 votes. He was warned about that, and chose to proceed regardless.

They, they being the head Dems in DC, are now reaping what they planted.

Steve Sky said...

I don't know who needs to hear this...
But the Constitution doesn't provide for "dying wishes".

dogsledder said...

You are correct, Termite. Demoncrats- this is your future for the next 4 years.
"All you planted was heartache and pain. Don't look now but it looks like rain."-Diamond Rio.