Grandson wants to open a bank account, ad I think that is a fine idea. I opened mine when I was a mere youth, a student account at the local bank. I simply walked into the bank and opened a pass book account. Remember those? I didn't even have a driver's license. They took my word and my money.
So, we went to the bank today, and Oh, Hell No. He can't open a account unless he has a parent or guardian (and legally, I am neither), plus a valid picture ID and a Social Security card. He's bummed out ad so am I.
We'll get this done in a few days, but in the interim, it sure is hard to open a bak account these days.
Well, that in one institution that does not need any more funding. At least they could have been more sympathetic. Having a checking account teaches fiscal responsibility and gives concrete evidence of what happens if. when you spend frivolously.
Wow! I take it that is NOT a local bank, but a chain bank... sigh
It's not the bank's fault. They are just following federal banking regulations.
Thank the IRS.
Try a credit union.
John of the GMA
He might be a drug lord, or a terrorist. Can't be too careful.
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