Thursday, July 11, 2019

Potential Tropical Cyclone 2

This thing still hasn't formed up, but the National Weather Service is warning that we might well have a bona fide storm on out hands by Saturday.

Oh, joy!  This is just what I need.   The church had a rodeo planned for Friday night, but that's been cancelled.  The normal Thursday night events have been cancelled as well.  I have a club shoot Saturday morning.  It's just practice, and I haven't cancelled it yet.

It's probably too far along to hope that this thing just goes away, but we can still hope that the weather folks are over-estimating the effect of this thing.  It's not even a named storm yet. 

I recko it's time to hunker down.


OC said...

My thoughts and prayers for you, the family, heck for everyone in LA.

From a Yankee in MN.

Flugelman said...

Ya might want to hunker down. Weather prognosticators here in the DFW area are predicting a Cat 1 hurricane going ashore west of Nawlins.

Anonymous said...

Stay safe and dry sir, hope you come out well by the end of the weekend. Hurricanes sure do make Life exciting.