Saturday, October 27, 2018

Spammers, Geez,

Spammes.  We hates them, we does.  Maybe at some point in the recent past, I clicked on something that interested me, probably in the evening after a couple of cocktails.  That innocent click to see some innocuous content evidently gave them permission to flood my inbox with trivia.  Mainly pleas for financial support.

Suddenly, I'm getting three or four emails a day from Donald J Trump.  I'm sure that it's him because it has his name all over the header.  And, frankly, I"m surprised that the President of the US has enough time to sit down three or four times a day and send me an email.  I''d think that he would be busier than that.  I mean... he's running the free world and hammering Democrats.

It's like hiring a guy to do a job, and you find him perched on our desk three or four times a day, telling you what a great guy he is, and how everyone is against him.  It's disconcerting.

Hey, Mr. President, you're doing a great job.  You have my vote.  You don't need to check in three times a day.  I'm going to put you ass in the spam folder. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare the range for a club shoot.


Old NFO said...

Probably a post you made... I apparently light them off occasionally, and get 50-60 spams for a few days.

Jonathan H said...

I signed up for tickets to a rally when he was in the area ... now I get multiple messages a day from him and recently they have started coming from other I can't vote for, like Ted Cruz.