Tuesday, October 30, 2018

At The Restaurant Supply

We have a local restaurant supply store and when we started building the kitchen in the shop, elder son told me that they had some really nice stuff there, at really reasonable prices.  All of it, of course, restaurant quality.

I found something I really like, a big-ass salt shaker.  In the business, it's called a "dredge" and whhile some of them are stainless steel, I like the10 oz polycarbonate ones, simply because they are clear and I can tell at a glance if it is filled with salt or pepper (or anything else).  The ones I like have three lids with different size holes so you can adjust the pour.  They cost about $2.00 each.

Today, while I was in there, I bought another scraper/turner for the griddle, some nice little  a small stainless bowl with a lid, some small soup ladles and some nice small serving spoons.  Oh, and a small stainless steel tong.  All of my tongs are huge, and I thought a smaller tong might be useful.  Total cost was under $40.00.  I also looked at some really nice stock pots and I'll have to pick up one of those before too long.  I'll be making a lot of gumbo this winter, and those pots would be a big help.


Old NFO said...

Ah yes, just the thing for cooking for a lot of folks!

Anonymous said...

For cooking over a griddle or large skillet for a crew of people, large salt shaker looks like the bee's knees.

I've been wanting to go to one of those supply places and see if they make a stainless steam tray for a project I've had on my mind. The one quart military canteen has a canteen cup that fits in the same canteen cover. Why not make one for the 2 quart canteen ? The long shape would allow part of the cup to stand in flame with the other part beyond the heat source. I've come close in the past, but its just out of reach.

Anonymous said...


Got a business name/address/url for us?

Gary W. Anthony
MSgt, USAF, Ret.