Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Louisiana State

The match is in the history books.  It was a good shoot, although we were plagued by weather and Louisiana mud.  Except for the weather, everything went perfectly.  I couldn't have asked for a better match, and the shooters understood that we couldn't control the weather.  The Louisiana State Championship was a huge, smashing success.

Two photos from the match.

That's my Belle, holstering her revolver after a bout.  I don't know many men who can say that their lady is an expert with the single-action revolver, but mine is.

The second photo is from the awards ceremony.  My grandson, Zach is a youth shooter and had done well in the Youth division, already seeded for the finals.  On Sunday morning, he wasn't slated to shoot until noon, but asked to shoot in with the men in the Resurrection match.  We do these matches on Sunday morning, as a fun match, normally as additional money for a charity.  Zach is 15-years-old and wanted to shoot the Resurrection match as a warm-up for the finals. and everyone agreed, although he was out of his division.  It's a fun match, after all.

In about two hours, Zach had put several really good shooters out of the match.  The current Texas State Champion fell to him, as well as the current Southern Territorials Champion.  He was on fire, and wielding his New Vaquero with deadly speed and accuracy.  When it was all over, he was left alone, standing at the line.  He had beaten every man who stood against him, and took the trophy for hat particular match.

I had the honor, and privilege, as Match Director, to present him the trophy, and I was as proud as any grandad could be that he had won it.

Louisiana State is in the history books.  If you want to see lots of pictures, go to Facebook and look up the Cross Branded Peacemakers.  Hundreds of photos there.


Jerry The Geek said...

Last Man Standing.

I'm pleased by your support of a junior shooter, and I think that you are probably more pleased than I am.

but beware of the Junior Shooter: they often end up beating the crap out of Old Men. Suggestion: get a lot of range time practicing.

You'll need it, to stay competitive!

Old NFO said...

Outstanding! Congrats to him, and to you for your time and experience training him!!!