Friday, September 01, 2017

The Tubman Twenty

I see that there is a movement afoot by the liberals to take Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill and replace him with Harriet Tubman.  Jackson, or course, was a slave holder, and he was rude to the Native Americans

Jackson was also, if I remember my history correctly, one of the founders of the Democratic Party.  So, if we want to replace Jackson with someone a little more politically correct, I suppose that Tubman is as good as any.  She was a strong woman with deeply held beliefs and acted on those beliefs at great personal risk.

Here is a design I can get behind.

President Trump should just order it.


Anonymous said...

And rumored to have been a Republican as well. Though that claim is still unverified.

If that doesn't stick in ANTIFA's craw, nothing will.

I really don't care either way, I don't see $$$ as something I think about - its the items I use it to buy them with which is important.

George Pollard said...

The Onion is all over it.

Old NFO said...

I like that design! :-) Go for it!!!