Monday, September 25, 2017

Chortling Here, Boss

Insty sends us to a link about Top Twelve Male Grooming Myths Exposed.  Lets look at some, shall we?

1.  Shaving makes your facial hair grow faster.
I don't care, I shave every morning.  It doesn't matter how fast it grows, I'm going to slice it off at daylight.

2.   Using multiple skincare products gives you spots.
What?  Men use skin care products?  Who knew?

3. Too much exfoliation damages skin.
Huh?  Men don't exfoliate.  Or, rather, no one I know exfoliates.

4. You have to stick to skincare products marketed at men
When I was in the Army, I'd keep a bottle of medicated powder in my duffle to ward off jungle rot.  Other than soap, that is the only skin care product I've ever used.

5. Beards don't need to be washed as much as other hair
You go ahead with that, stinky-beard.  How does one wash their face without washing their beard?  I don't grow beards, so I'm not sure about this one at all.

6. It's necessary to moisturise after every shower
HAHAHA.  Seriously?

7. Barbers understand your trimmer's grading system
As long as my barber understands what a #2 haircut is, we'll get along just fine.  I don't own a trimmer.  That's why I go tot he barber shop.

8. Home trimmers don't require any maintenance
Every mechanical device requires maintenance.  Period.

9. Hair grows faster on holiday
Heh! Okay, if you say so.  Which leads us to:

10. The difference between a $10 haircut and a $50 haircut is a cup of coffee
No, the difference is $40.  And the culture that lets someone charge $50 for a haircut.

I could go on here, but what's the use?  I have no idea what these people are talking about.


Ed Jones said...

Hair cut once a month, half off, block it in back and just off the ears. Shave every time the kids momma says it would be worth my while.

Anonymous said...

"6. It's necessary to moisturise after every shower"
Funny, I thought that moisturizing myself was what I was doing in the shower. Soap works better with water.
"8. Home trimmers don't require any maintenance"
I don't know about yours, but My Weed-Eater sure as hell does.
--Tennessee Budd

Old NFO said...

What the??? Really? Obviously NOT somebody who was in the military, unless it was the Air Force... LOL

Anonymous said...

As someone who's had a beard for over two decades (seriously, my wife has never seen me without it and I proposed to her 20 years ago today) I can tell you #5 is BS. Especially if you eat something messy.

Mark D

Jonathan H said...

I agree - much of the list is off the wall.

1 - My facial hair grew much faster once I had started growing it out, even once I shaved it.

8 - I (usually) cut my own hair - I don't know about other units, but the trimmers I have owned came with maintenance instructions, primarily cleaning and oiling. ( I recently had to buy a new one because my old one failed after a decade).

10 - Why on earth would a guy pay $50 for a haircut? I can understand women doing it, but not guys.

Moisturizing and exfoliation? Uhh, are you trying to be prettier than your girlfriend?...

Rivrdog said...

High & Tight, each fortnight. Royal Army rules, I believe.