Monday, July 24, 2017

Jury Duty

I just called the Court house.  I've got jury duty tomorrow.  I got the notice several weeks ago, and they told me to call today to see if I'd be needed.  Yep, I have to report at 9:00.

I don't mind doing my civic duty, but I've been a cop for over 5 years.  The notice is for a criminal jury.  There is not a chance in hell that a criminal defense attorney will let me sit on a criminal jury.  My only hope is to be called early and released early.

Just damn.


Old NFO said...

I've only been called twice, and as soon as they found out I was retired military, I was released immediately. :-)

Jonathan H said...

The last time I was called, they didn't ask any questions and seated the first 9 people; it was a grand jury - once a month for four months. the most interesting part was where we toured the jail and got to ask the warden anything we wanted (part of state law - citizens have to inspect the jail once a quarter).

Daddy Hawk said...

If I were a betting man, I'd say your chances of ever sitting on a civil jury rank close to winning the lottery. Especially in Louisiana. It's just the way the game is played.

Anonymous said...

I got the postcard once in the mail and chuckled. Since I work at the courthouse, showing up was not at all inconvenient. The admin folks in the jury room, all of whom I know personally, had no explanation for why I got the card. Anyway, they plugged me into the first crim case called and when I and the rest of the prospective jury pool walked into the courtroom the judge addressed me by name and asked why I was there. I explained and she said "might as well not bother sitting down, you won't be here long."

I wasn't.

John in Philly said...

On the other hand, I sat on two murder one trials during the time I was a uniformed LEO for INS then CBP.