Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Turkey Shoot

Some pictures from the Turkey Shoot we had at the church on Saturday.
Church member Dusty, helping his daughter with an H&R .410 shotgun

Grandson Quinto posting targets downrange

The scoring crew sharing a laugh.

Grandson Zachary waiting his turn to to shoot.  He won first place in the youth division.

Milady herself lining up with her Stevens .410 pump shotgun.  Her father bought that for her when she was a young'um and she's proud of that shotgun.

We had a great time, made some money for the Mission Fund, and had a wonderful fellowship.  We wish y'all had been there.  You'll notice in the pictures above, everyone is wearing hearing protection.  PawPaw buys a lot of earplugs.


Old NFO said...

That's great, and family involvement is even BETTER! :-)

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

That is a GREAT post.

One of the things I admire about your blog is that you DO stuff.