I recently introduced grandson #6 to a recipe that I've been making for a hundred years. (Well, not quite a hundred years, but you get the idea.)
Tiger Butter. That's peanut butter with just enough cane syrup mixed in to jack the sweetness up to diabetic coma levels. It's a great grandkid pleaser. Ultra sweet peanut butter on fresh white bread. It's a great late-afternoon snack.
I'll take him to his dad in another half-hour.
Dianne, if you're reading this, get Trey's kids jacked up on Tiger Butter, then take them home. Their parents will thank you later.
penaut butter and honey also does the trick, and is just slightly better for you.
LOL, or want to shoot you... That IS the fun of being the grandparents, load em up on sugar and give em back (payback)...
That just has to be the coldest trick on a granpa's entire bag o'tricks. Beauty of it is that it gets a son/daughter's attention but does no lasting damage.
One of about a million things you could do with cane syrup. In addition to a little bit with peanut butter, for a sandwich, we'd do a good amount of syrup, mash in some butter, and dip cold left-over biscuits in it for an afternoon snack.
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