Friday, August 05, 2011


This is disturbing. Gangs of blacks attacking whites at the Wisconsin State Fair.

This is disturbing too. The Dow is down again this morning.

More disturbing. It seems that the jobs numbers ticked up a little, with unemployment at 9.1%m and the economy adding 117K jobs, but fewer Americans are working than ever before. As a person uses up his unemployment benefits, they're dropped from the rolls. Out of the workforce. Not counted. So, the unemployment figures look better and more Americans than ever are out of work.

I went outside this morning while it was cool and did some work in the garage, sorting brass, reloading ammunition, straightening my bench. When I came in for the afternoon, I find all this disturbing news.

I might start drinking early today.


Dave O. said...

Of the stories you mentioned, I guess I find the attacks at the Wisconsin State Fair p****d me off the most. Butts need to be thrown into prison cells; no probation, just prison. Should we expect the President to make any comments condemning the apparent racism of these attacks?

Dave O. said...

BTW, be careful not to sign anything under the influence of alcohol, as the mayor of Albuquerque found out:

Anonymous said...

Last year at the Iowa State Fair they had similar instances. A mass of black youth ran through the fairgrounds randomly hitting people and yelling about getting "whitey". It is also apparently becoming popular nationwide for large groups of youths to enter stores, destroy displays and merchandise, and then steal all they can carry out with them. The clerks and owners are so shocked they can do nothing to stop it. It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world out there.
Jerry in Wisconsin (and soon to be Concealed Carry permit holder)

Skip said...

If it happens here, sixteen of them would be dead or hurtin' bad. [I only carry one spare mag]
As being a geezer, I will not be set apon without a fight, period.

Rivrdog said...

Skip, I'll echo that, but I can already see the headlines screaming from the front page of the local lefty rag:

"Disturbed veteran and ex-cop uses mad skills and automatic gun to kill and wound group of youths"

The text of the article would then go on to say how well I was trained, how I retrained myself, how I carried a handgun designed to wound horribly, how I frequently blogged on the right of self-defense, etc, totally forgetting that the object of the mob of youth was to put me in fear of my life, and my right to shoot to defend myself in such cases is absolute.

Over on the editorial pages, the lefty editor would opine darkly that even the right of self defense can be carried too far, and I obviously was guilty of just that. They would broadly hint at racism as my hidden motive. They might even accuse me of setting myself up for such an attack so as to be able to shoot down kids out of racial spite.

This is not a winnable situation, no matter how many incorrigible youth get planted as a result of it.