Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wednesday again

Wednesday again, and time flies. This week isn't as busy as the last, and we're well into the Christmas season.

Today is a milestone, of sorts. PawPaw will attain the ripe old age of 53 sometime today. And, my drivers license isn't due for renewal for another year.

Three years ago, Milady hosted a surprise party for me. I didn't realize that there was a surprise party until I came in the backdoor of the house and stepped into the bathroom. I kept my toothbrush in there and my toothbrush had been moved. I realized then that she had straightened for a special occasion and that either I was going to a party or I had been evicted.

Two years ago I spent my birthday in a court room.

Last year I worked a fifteen hour day on my birthday.

This year, I get off at 3:00 and all the kids are coming over for a combination birthday/christmas party.

My married children spend thanksgiving with us, and go to the other parents for Christmas. As Milady normally works Christmas, and when I was working shift I worked Christmas, this doesn't pose a burden. We just have Christmas early.

So, tonight the grandkids will open presents under our tree and we'll exchange gifts with our children, and Milady has something especially sparkly under the tree.

I hope she likes it.


Anonymous said...

This was an especially good Christmas, Dad. Us children decided not to get presents for each other (although somehow Joey didnt get the memeo) and we chose to focus on the time together. Thank you for teaching us that while gifts are wonderful, the best thing to give is love. You are an awesome dad.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Pard, and Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm late on this. Happy birthday. It was my birthday too, in a strange coincidence. Cool.