Monday, October 04, 2021


 We woke at 4:00 am so that we could leave the hotel before 6:00 am to catch a flight at 8:00.  We loaded on the airplane at RNO (Reno-Tahoe International) for DFW and went wheels down at 1:15 pn, Central.  It was a 2 hour flight, but we crossed a time zone.  We successfully navigated DFW and got to our gate, got some lunch, and learned that we had a gate change.  Not far, thankfully.

Caught the little plane (Embraer 140) and taxied out to the runway.  We had a really interesting takeoff.  Just abut the time we left the ground, the plane rolled at about a 30 degree angle, both directions.  The pilot recovered, and we climbed out successfully.  If she hadn't recovered (yes, our PIC was female), I would not be writing this post.  (Y'all wold be reading about it on the news, and I'd be defunct.)

The rest of the flight was uneventful.  We hit the tarmac at AEX at 6:00 pm, grabbed our luggage and headed home.  I'm dong laundry right now, while enjoying a pleasant cocktail.  In anther hour I'll be in bed, and we'll sort out the debris tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a wind shear on t/o out of DFW. NOT unusual...

  2. I’ll have to ask my cousin’s wife if she had any sporty takeoffs yesterday. She’s about to file her paperwork for Captain with AE.

  3. Wasn’t the cousin’s wife though she did have a coyote get flattened on take off yesterday morning. They had to declare an emergency and come back in. All is well except for Wiley is toast.


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