Friday, January 15, 2021

Ad Bots are Ignorant

 We've all done it.  Clicked on somethinng we we were interested in, and for days you see those ads pup up on your screen, across a number of platforms.  Like this one, for example.

The only problem is, I bought a pair of those earlier this week.  They'll be in next week.  This ad money is totally wasted.


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Amazon does that to me. I’ll buy something FROM AMAZON, then they’ll send me email ads for the same product for several days. As noted, a waste of ad money. It boggles my mind, every time.

  2. robert5:53 PM

    I haven't had anything like that since I downloaded Brave browser . Shuts them all down.

  3. Sometimes i do a search for nice things, like swarovski jewelery or peruvian sweaters just so my ads are prettier. Im too cheap to buy stuff like that!


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