Friday, September 11, 2020

Edwards Trying To Kill Bar Business

 Governor John Bel Edwards is doing his dead-level best to kill the bar business in Louisiana.  In his move to Phase 3 of the Covid response, he continues to blame bars for all the Covid illness.

According to WAFB news:

Bars will remain closed to on-premises consumption in parishes with high incidents of COVID-19. The parishes that have a positivity rate of 5% or lower for two consecutive weeks will be allowed to opt in, meaning the parish government will have to make the final decision. Those that open will be subject to many restrictions, including indoor restriction of 50% capacity, indoors and outdoors customers will have to remain seated for table side service only, can have no more than 50 customers outdoors, and social distancing will be required indoors and outdoors, live music will not be allowed, all drinks will have to be ordered at the table and delivered by bar staff to the table, sale of service will end at 10 p.m. and patrons will be cleared from the building by 11 p.m. Individuals younger than 21 will not be allowed in the bar.

The bar business doesn't affect me much, but it is a large part of the hospitality industry in Louisiana, and bar owners and employees  have suffered during this crisis.

Louisiana continues to be under the autocratic rule of a petty tyrant, who wants to pick winners and losers in the local economy.  This latest attack on the economy should draw the ire of the legislature, but it's my opinion that they are a bunch of nutless wondwes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Here in Hawaii they shut the bars for 3 months, opened 3 weeks, and have now been closed for 2 months. The new probihition. Tourist s stay in the room for 2 weeks, can't shop, can't go to beach, and can't drunk. Would the last person leaving Honolulu please turn out the lights.


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