You see, that's the problem with hurricanes. We're not really sure where they are going, until scant hours before they get here. Oh, the weather-weenies do the best they can, but weather is an inexact science.
For example, here is the weather map I saw when I got up this morning at daylight.
Then, here is a graphic that our state rep put out just a few minutes ago.
The difference in those two tracks is that one of them is a near-miss for my area, the other one takes the storm right over my house. It's a huge difference and we really don't know yet. They're pretty sure that it's coming ashore at about noon today, but after that, it's a crap shoot.
I hope you and yours are safe and protected from these pair - hurricane season sure does keep someone on their toes doesn't it ? the good with both is that they appear to be fast moving, spreading out the rain.