Friday, May 29, 2020

Looter Man

We all remember this photo out of Hurricane Katrina, when looting ran wild in the New Orleans metro area.  Some defended the looters, saying that the stores were closed and food was short, and they had to provide for their families.  Like this guy, providing for his family.

Katrina Looter Man
Now, in Minneapolis, we're starting to see images of other disadvantaged, oppressed individuals ust trying to keep their family fed.

Minneapolis Looter Man
Three days ago, I was very sympathetic to what was happening inn Minnesota.  Now, not so much.

1 comment:

  1. The governor of Minnesota just threw the mayor of Minneapolis under the bus. The state people were lined up, ready to back-stop Minneapolis assets and the mayor froze at the switch.

    Then he fell on the sword for State Police brooming a CNN crew out of an area after they were told to move...and they didn't.


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