Sunday, August 13, 2017

Red Beans

We've talked about red beans before, but today, that's lunch.  Yeah, I know it's August outside, but I've been jones-ing for a big pot of red beans, so last night before bedtime, Belle washed two pounds of good Camellia red beans, added spices, water, and sausage and turned on the slow cooker.

This morning I awoke to the kitchen smelling like heaven.

In another hour, we'll put on a pot of rice, and mix cornbread for the oven.

Red beans and rice with cornbread.  It's what's for lunch.


  1. Save me a bowl! I will be a little late, the drive in from Wichita and all.

  2. And it doesn't get any better than that!

    Looks incredibly tasty!

  3. Old Grafton6:23 PM

    You are killin' me! where's the ditch bugs!!??


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