It was a rainy, dreary day today. I started mowing the yard at 7:00, and by 7:05 the bottom fell out. I pushed the mover under cover and said the he hell with it. I had plenty to do indoors, mopping and cleaning, and laundry, plus errands to run.
About lunch time, I started digging around in the freezer and found a bag of Tater-tots. Tater-tots ain't nothing but hashbrown potatoes, shaped in kid-friendly morsels, so I got out a good black iron skillet and put a little oil in it. I pan-fried those tater-tots like hashbrown potatoes. I put hem on a paper plate and grated some sharp cheddar over them.
The, fried some eggs. Over easy. little salt and pepper, and I was done.
After lunch, the dog and I did our afternoon chores and we're waiting Belle's return home from work. In another hour, I'll be in the whiskey.
Damn, that sounds good!