Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday Morning

It's Monday and this morning before work, I dropped the van off at the body shop to get the damage repaired from the accident in early April.

At the body shop, ran into an old buddy, a retired cop.  He came by the work site and we visited for an hour, catching up on stuff.  He's doing the whole retirement gig; bought a motor home and everything.

Walking around in the hot Louisiana sun, this old man decided that he needs a hat.  I'm thinking about something like this. A nice, white, Shantung straw hat that will keep the rays off my head.  Everyone who has ever watched a Western movie knows that the good guys wear white hats (Unless you're a cavalryman, but black felt is hot in the Louisiana sun).

Politics is boring the hell out of me, and looking at my stats, it's boring the hell out of everyone else.  My stats on this blog have dropped off nearly 800 hits a day since the election, but I don't care.  I do this for me, not y'all.  If anyone gets any enjoyment or wisdom out of my scribblings, that's fine, and you are welcome.


  1. I read your "scribblings" every day.
    Thank you!

  2. Me 3, and when work is slow, multiple times a day.

  3. Here everyday, but in hospital for last week. Keep on scribblin'!

  4. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Yep, I'm here daily myself. It might be that some of us come by because of the non-political stuff, although we don't mind that either.
    --Tennessee Budd

  5. Anonymous12:18 AM

    lurker in ft worth's shadows thanks

  6. One of our summer uniform hats was a Henshel Breezer, big brim and good ventilation. Made in USA too.


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