Monday, February 29, 2016

Occupational Licensing

It seems that we have occupational licenses for just about any group of people that want them. Private investigators, barbers, accountants, auctioneers.  You name it, there is an occupational licensing group that tries to make sure that only certain applicants are allowed to perform certain work.  You name it, there is a licensing scheme.  Plumbers, electricians, water-system operators.  Government is everywhere.

Glenn Reynolds is in favor of licensing reforms, and he says so again today.
And “racket” is exactly what it is
 Yet, Professor Reynolds is in one of the biggest licensing schemes in the nation.  He trains lawyers at the University of Tennessee as amember of the faculty there.You can't practice law until you pass the bar exam, and you aren't allowed to take the bar exam until you graduate from law school.  It's an occupational licensing racket at it's finest.

We could say the same for the medical profession.  You can't practice medicine without a license.

Professor Reynolds rails against occupational licensing while he benefits from it.  He's a tenured professor at a law school.

Be careful what you pray for, counselor.  You just might get it.


  1. In Louisiana, you must have a license to make floral arrangements. Seriously. And, you wouldn't believe the hoops one must navigate in the funeral industry!

  2. For a few occupations I think licensing is a good thing. If you want me to put my life in your hands I think it's a good idea that you have demonstrated the knowledge necessary to be effective in front of other qualified professionals.

    Doctors and lawyers being two of the professions where I think licensing is necessary. Some other professions really don't need it. Hair styling? Flower arrangements? Law care? Those don't exactly seem like professions where if you mess up someone's life is ruined or ended. A bad haircut or some dead begonias aren't really comparable to prescribing contraindicated medications or not knowing how to get evidence entered into the record.


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