Saturday, July 19, 2014

Brisket blogging

Twelve hours at 250F.  Dalmatian rub.  Pecan-shells for smoke.

I'll let them cool for a bit, then slice them.  We've got to be in Jena for noon, so we're leaving here at 10:30.


  1. Never thought I would crave brisket at 9am but that looks great!

    On a small world tangent I was talking guns with an invisible friend the other day and he mentioned being in gun forums with you for years and recommended you as a potential local resource for information about gun stuff.

  2. Any way I can help, Ryan.

  3. Yum... (drooling over here)...

  4. Dalmatian rub? Doesn't that leave a bunch of small, round black spots on the surface?


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