Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summertime Supper

Here in the Deep South, we call the evening meal Supper.  When it's 102 in the shade you don't feel like cooking, so Milady and I decided on cold sandwiches for supper.  I found a couple of vine-ripened tomatoes, some nice cheese, and a particularly caustic yellow onion.

Tomato, onion and cheese sammiches.  Oh, my!  With a little mayo and fresh white bread, it's a southern delicacy.  My breath reeks from the onion, and I'll probably knock back an antacid later, but my Gawd, it was good.


  1. LOL, enjoy the antacid... :-0

  2. Termite6:41 AM

    Needs bacon.........

  3. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I made the mistake of reading your blog this morning before I went to work. I could think of nothing else....Took an early lunch hour to go make myself a tomato sandwich. AWESOME!! Ate the rest of the tomato with mayo and pepper. Love you! Dianne


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