Saturday, October 03, 2009


From my kitchen table, I can hear gunshots and I'm reminded that it's the opener of squirrel season in these woods.

It's been a long time since I participated in the opening of squirrel season. Not that I don't like hunting them, but for the past decade it's been too hot to get out in the woods the first weekend of October. Squirrel hunting in a tee-shirt, swatting mosquitoes, looking for snakes at my feet really doesn't appeal to me. I much prefer to wait until the leaves are off the trees and I can slip through the woods with a .22 rifle.

Still, this is an opening morning and I don't live so far from the woods that I can't hear gunfire. We've been one more trip around the sun and it's hunting season again.


  1. Yep, Deer opener here in OR. I'm not in the woods, either.

    I used to be able to grab my rifle and 10 rounds or so, put on the Filson pants and appropriate jacket, sling a canteen belt and hit the road, but it seems it's a blasted expedition to get out there these days, so most openers I just don't go anymore, preferring to go out when the odds are a bit more even between Bambi and I.

  2. jringalls6:12 PM

    Yes sir, the woods are lousy with squirrel. I went on the first squirrel hunt in at least 15 years Saturday morning, and me and my dad managed to get 9 just by talking a brisk walk in the woods. It was a lot of fun, and I look forward to taking my kids when they get a little older.


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