Monday, August 28, 2006


Everybody is talking about the weather, how hot is has been lately. We're in a weird weather pattern with late night thunderstorms and hot, steamy days. Ernesto is set to ravage Florida. I feel for those folks, but as hurricanes go, Ernesto ain't shown me much.

For a while in early August, we went through a dry spell and the grass had quit growing. Now, the every night rain has it growning with a vengance. If I wait much longer to mow grass, I'm going to have to get the tractor out and go rent a New Holland bailer.

So, when the weather cools this afternoon I'll get out and start the lawn mower. If it takes two days to get it mowed, it'll just take two days.

Daddy has some bush-hogging he wants to do and that will be later this week. Bush-hogging isn't as hot as pushing that little Briggs and Stratton engine around the yard. I'm told that the Farmers Almanac is predicting a cooler than usual winter this winter. I'm looking forward to them being right about that. I could use a little cool weather.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Looks like Cenla's soon in for some nights with temps in the 60s. Each time I walk past my new tent I hear something saying, Pitch me, pitch me.


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